On Oct. 27, McGill hosted a ‘town hall’ event to present its side of the renewed budget cuts it is making by order of Quebec’s provincial government, to the tune of 13 to 15 million dollars.
Latest News
PGSS succeeds in lobbying for lower international health care rates
All international students at McGill insured with Blue Cross, a Canadian health insurance provider, will now have lower health-care rates following three years of lobbying by the Post-Graduate Students’ Society (PGSS) of McGill to the university. Beginning in 2011, the PGSS lobbied the university to begin a competitive bidding process[Read More…]
Commentary: Fear stymies western response to Ebola
The Ebola epidemic and the recent cases of infections in airports across western countries, shed light on the U.S’s. role as one of the leaders against the spread of Emerging Infectious Diseases (EID).
Weird Ass Game Show more normal than advertised
I wasn’t quite sure what to expect when I stepped into the Wiggle Room for the first time. Then again, what can one really expect when they show up for something called “The Weird Ass Game Show?” It seemed like no one really knew what it was, but with the[Read More…]
Université de Montréal develops cancer drug detecting device
After six years of research, Professors Jean-François Masson and Joelle Pelletier from the Department of Chemistry at the Université de Montréal have successfully developed the latest cancer detection tool. Their team created a nanodevice that can be used to accurately measure a person’s blood for the commonly used, but toxic[Read More…]
Commentary: Ghomeshi’s case, broadcasting scandals
The practice of designing strategies to salvage the reputations of celebrities embroiled in scandals is very common.
This month in student research: Sanahan Vijayakumar
You can spot Sanahan Vijayakumar on campus by his stylish French apparel, ear-to-ear grin, and fast paced chatter. The U2 materials engineer is an active member of the Engineering Undergraduate Society Council, and is known for his friendly attitude, passion, and outstanding success. Vijayakumar has been conducting research at McGill[Read More…]
The Viewpoint: The Rocky Horror Picture Show
We got to Imperial Cinema a little before 11 p.m., looking forward to a night of cult-movie debauchery. Right off the bat, however, it became clear that this night would be quite the experience—something we should’ve expected with all the hype that surrounds the annual live-action performance of Richard O’[Read More…]
Commentary: Hysteria over FIPA unwarranted
Two years after the signing of the Foreign Investor Protection Agreement (FIPA), and over a month since it’s ratification, a small but vocal number of Canadians continue to cry out about the FIPA’s supposed perils.
Panellists discuss China’s environmental challenges
Last Friday, the Society of China Studies hosted a panel discussion to explore the issue of China’s environmental challenges. The panel consisted of assistant professor Juan Wang from the Department of Political Science; assistant professor Jill Baumgartner from the Department of Epidemiology; and visiting scholar Wenting Liang from the Department[Read More…]