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Beating the midterm blues

Falling leaves and changing colours illustrate the transition into autumn. They also mark the beginning of midterm season.  Stress levels in McGill students tend to skyrocket during this time.  In order to combat this, McGill Mental Health Services (MMHS) has implemented a number of initiatives to aid students in coping[Read More…]

Demystifying vampires

When the word vampire is mentioned, it’s easy to imagine a musky room, candle light, and perhaps, romance. Dracula, a novel written by Bram Stoker, and its multiple contemporary renditions were, at least in Western literature, the first brazen attempt at coupling vampires and humans. Of course, the association of[Read More…]

What’s happening at McGill

#ConsentMcGill Oct. 20-24 Various locations on both campuses This week long campaign aims to draw attention to the importance of consent through workshops hosted by various student groups around campus. It was one of the measures set forth by Ollivier Dyens last semester, following campus-wide scrutiny regarding the administration’s approach[Read More…]

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