Elections SSMU’s controversial decision to invalidate Tariq Khan’s presidential win has been upheld by the Judicial Board (J-Board) of the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) following a hearing on April 29. The J-Board’s unanimous ruling, which was ratified by the Board of Directors on April 30, confirms Elections SSMU’s[Read More…]
Latest News
Call for intervenors
Posted on behalf of the SSMU Judicial Board: The Judicial Board has accepted jurisdiction to hear an appeal submitted by Tariq Khan regarding the invalidation of his election as President. The appeal will be heard at the end of April and we are extending an invitation to anyone wishing to intervene[Read More…]
SSMU Council votes to re-run University Centre Building Fee in Fall 2014
The implementation of a University Centre Building Fee will be the subject of a referendum question in Fall 2014, following approval of the referendum question at the April 10 meeting of the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) Legislative Council. Students voted against implementing a University Centre Building Fee during[Read More…]
Timeline: the year in review
A look back at 2013-14.
Global health preventative measures utilize texting and television shows
Each winter, influenza viruses sweep across the globe, causing an estimated three to five million severe cases worldwide and 250,000 to 500,000 deaths, according to the World Health Organization (WHO)—and this is only one type of infectious disease. Faced with a spectrum of chronic illnesses, viral infections, and microbial pathogenesis,[Read More…]
Tribune Sports Awards 2014
It’s rare for a freshman to crack Redmen basketball Head Coach Dave DeAveiro’s lineup—never mind become a starter.
The Many Faces of the Redpath Museum
It isn’t often that a museum exhibit gets to stare back at its visitors. But for the past year, those who have climbed to the third floor of the Redpath Museum have been able to lock eyes with three unexpectedly youthful new faces—model reconstructions of what the museum’s 2000-year-old Egyptian mummies[Read More…]
To be or not to be franchised
Never in my wildest dreams did I ever expect my first real political campaign to make such a big splash. When I first contacted the Parti Vert du Quebec, I offered to volunteer in the campaign and perhaps even run; but I never expected that I actually would get a[Read More…]
Towards a more proactive SSMU
The invalidation of Tariq Khan’s victory in the SSMU elections, and the subsequent outcry, have perhaps served as the perfect summation of the crisis of credibility that has characterized student government. Throughout this year, the councillors and executives of the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) have been far more[Read More…]
S.R.E.A.M: Science rules everything around me
If anybody came out to GZA’s lecture on “Consciousness, Creativity, Music, & the Origin of the Universe” that packed Leacock 132 last Saturday eagerly awaiting the Wu-Tang Clan founding member to explain advanced scientific principles to the audience, then they may have gone home feeling disappointed and unfulfilled. This, however,[Read More…]