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Split identities

Despite differences in healthcare, politics, and even serving sizes, Canada and the United States have a lot in common. They share a continent, many aspects of culture, and—thanks to strong flows of product and people—citizens. As a Canadian university that attracts a large influx of  American students every year, McGill[Read More…]

PGSS executive interviews

Brighita Lungu Ge Sa Jennifer Murray Juan Pinto Nikki Meadows Julien Ouellet ( This week, the McGill Tribune sat down with the Post-Graduate Students’ Society (PGSS) executives to discuss their work this summer and their vision for the upcoming year. Click on the portraits to learn more. Members Affairs Officer,[Read More…]

Eat this: McGill’s 18th edition of Soup and Science

Soup and Science entered its eighth year at McGill this past week. A twice-a-year event that spans one week at the beginning of both the Fall and Winter semesters, Soup and Science brings lecturers from several departments together to present their research to students over lunch.  Not many universities are[Read More…]

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