The proposed Charter of Values and international student policies were at the forefront of a provincial elections debate hosted by the Post-Graduate Students’ Society of McGill University (PGSS) on March 25. The debate featured representatives from the Parti Québécois (PQ), the Coalition Avenir Québec (CAQ), the Parti Libéral du Québec[Read More…]
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Fortier talks McGill priorities with student media
Since she began her job last September, Principal Suzanne Fortier has spent almost seven months getting to know the people, places, and challenges of McGill as a university. Last Friday, the Principal met with student journalists from The Tribune, The McGill Daily, and le Délit to speak on the university’s[Read More…]
Do we still need Canadian content requirements?
We need more Canadian porn. That is, according to the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC), the government agency known for imposing strict requirements regarding the amount of Canadian-produced, written, or otherwise Canadian-made content that is aired on TV or radio. The aim of the CRTC is to ensure that[Read More…]
Sultan of the Turkish Republic?
On March 30th, Turkey will go to the polls in nationwide municipal elections. After a summer of anti-government protests, an economic downturn, and a corruption scandal implicating prominent members of the ruling party’s inner circle, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has become a polarizing figure in Turkish society. Although he[Read More…]
The provincial party guide
Quebec’s General Election is set to take place on April 7, as the province gears up to elect members to the National Assembly. This year’s election sees four major parties in contention: the incumbent Parti Québécois (PQ) led by Premier Pauline Marois, the Quebec Liberal Party under Phillipe Couillard, Coalition Avenir[Read More…]
McMorrow remains calm during Post Tropical storm
Dublin-born singer-songwriter James Vincent McMorrow has been gaining positive critical attention for his latest album, Post Tropical, but when I talked to him, he was just another guy standing on the side of the highway. “Something exploded in the engine,” McMorrow explains, chuckling softly. “I’ve just been standing outside like[Read More…]
How to please with wine and cheese
So you love wine? And you love cheese? Together they make the Batman and Robin of food duos, but sometimes the number of options can be overwhelming. Combining the right varieties of cheese and wine is key to making your next wining and dining experience a classy affair. Here are[Read More…]
Anti-vaccination platforms risk disease re-emergence
Over the past few years, there has been a massive cultural movement towards distrusting vaccinations. A Google search of “Vaccines are…” results in hits such as “Vaccines are bad,” “Vaccines are dangerous,” and “Vaccines are poison.” In fact, 20 per cent of Canadian websites and 70 per cent of American[Read More…]
To vote or not to vote: a moral and logistical quandary
On Friday, Mathieu Vandal, head of the election revision board for a downtown Montreal riding, resigned over concerns that large numbers of non-francophones were registering to vote in the upcoming election without proper screening. At a press conference on Sunday, Parti Québécois (PQ) candidates accused “people from Ontario and the[Read More…]
SSMU ‘outreach’ on building fee yet another abdication of duty
“Whereas, without this fee the SSMU would have to cut services to students in order to afford the rent and utilities payments to McGill” This line, snugly hidden within one of the 11 questions posed by the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) Winter 2014 referendum and jostling for voter[Read More…]