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Students take to the streets to oppose Quebec government’s proposed tuition hikes

Red felt squares dappled McGill’s Y-intersection on Nov. 30, as students gathered to once again protest the Quebec government’s proposed tuition hikes for English-speaking universities. The hikes, announced on Oct. 13, would nearly double fees for out-of-province students at schools like McGill and Concordia from around $9,000 to $17,000 annually.[Read More…]

2023 PGSS executive midterm reviews

The Tribune’s editorial board presents its midterm reviews of the Post-Graduate Students’ Society (PGSS) executives. Tribune editors researched and communicated with each executive before leading an editorial board discussion on the executives’ work and accomplishments. Editors with conflicts of interest abstained from discussing, writing, and editing relevant reviews. Secretary-General: Satish[Read More…]

Montreal’s 2024 budget inflates a ballooning SPVM, while crucial accessibility issues go unaddressed

Announced on Nov. 15, Montreal’s 2024 budget raises serious concerns regarding the skewed allocation of funds accompanying the 3.5 per cent spending increase. The municipal government allocated the majority of the budget to investments in public transit––which is receiving a budget increase of $48.4 million, bringing it up to $715.6[Read More…]

Grounds for delight

As winter rolls in, my gait has begun to resemble the shuffle of a dejected penguin. Head permanently bowed for fear that one poorly planned step will result in death by slippage, my walks to campus now provoke a deep sense of mourning for warmer, and more posturally vertical, days[Read More…]

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