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Feb. 11 SciTech calender

Psych of Sex—What’s going on in your head when you think about sex? Hosted by the McGill Psychology Student Association (MPSA) featuring Dr. Jim Pfaus, Concordia’s leading psychosexual researcher Date: February 11, 2014 from 6-7 p.m. Location: Leacock 219   McGill Start-Up Career Fair Students have the opportunity to bring[Read More…]

Recipes: Dinner for two

With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, it’s time to think about a way to impress that special someone. They say the way to someone’s heart is through their stomach, so why not give a home-cooked meal a try? Not a master chef? Not a problem! Here are some easy[Read More…]

Deep Cuts

Swingin’ Party Artist: Lorde Album: Pure Heroine—Extended Released: September 27, 2013 This sensation from New Zealand has made no shortage of headlines; however this song, embedded in her re-issue, Pure Heroine – Extended, remains relatively unknown. Singing over a smooth, pulsing beat with an unusually simple organ in the background,[Read More…]

The Bibeau years

She catches the ball in her shooting pocket, both feet already squared towards the basket. In one smooth motion she elevates off the ground, the ball released before her defender can close the space between them. The only thing more pleasing than the textbook follow-through is the splash of the[Read More…]

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