Last week’s Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) Council meeting focused on midterm reports, where members of the SSMU executive team detailed their progress in various projects within their respective portfolios. Upcoming TaCEQ referendum raises possibility of SSMU’s departure from association SSMU Vice-President External Samuel Harris spoke on the possibility[Read More…]
Latest News
The silly, sordid story of salt
After spending the winter holidays in Toronto with a Christmas ice-storm generously donated by Jack Frost himself, I felt meteorologically prepared to start the semester at McGill; I was wrong. When I heard the sound of rain the morning of January 6, I uttered two words: Vatican cameos; watch out![Read More…]
Bookstores not to blame for high textbook prices
A week into my second year at McGill, I was apoplectic. My books for the first semester cost me nearly a thousand dollars—a sum unheard of for an Arts student. The text for my introduction to Chinese culture class, a fairly thin paperback, was nearly $200 alone. Like most students[Read More…]
Con-artist comedy is no fraud
Let’s go back to the late ‘70s with American Hustle, where the costumes are glamorous, the hair fake, and the cleavage exposed. Director David O. Russell comes back after last year’s hit Silver Linings Playbook with a comedy that employs the same sharp humour. Punctuated by flashbacks and voice-overs, we[Read More…]
McGill Law grad gives crime novels a hometown touch
Inspector Luc Vanier was standing in a rainstorm at the intersection of Sherbrooke and Pie-IX, surveying the remnants of a car accident. A dark blue body bag was at his feet. With those ominous words, McGill Law alumnus Peter Kirby kicks off his most recent crime novel, Vigilante Season. It’s[Read More…]
Student Services to begin consultations on usage of $5 million surplus
The use of an approximate $5 million surplus in the Student Services Contingency Fund will be brought up for discussion this semester by McGill’s Committee on Student Services (CSS). The surplus is the result of various factors, including conservative enrolment estimates and savings in wages from the 2012 MUNACA strike,[Read More…]
Pioneering a new approach to immunology
C. elegans, more formally known as Caenorhabditis elegans, is a simple, transparent roundworm often used in genetic research. After working with the organism from a neuroscience perspective under the supervision of associate professor Joseph Dent, U2 interdepartmental honours student Daegan Sit combined his experience with the worm and his interest[Read More…]
The big game in the Big House
On New Years Day, staff writer Wyatt Fine-Gagné and managing editor Ben Carter-Whitney were among the 105,491 fans who packed into Michigan Stadium in Ann Arbor, MI to watch the 2014 NHL Winter Classic. For this edition of Cheap Seats, they compare notes on their experiences. Ben Carter-Whitney (BCW):[Read More…]
Savoury slow cooker recipes
After braving the bitterly cold winds on the walk home from class, what could be better than a warm and hearty meal? Slow cooking recipes mean your meals can be ready and waiting for you. Simply use a slow cooker or set your oven to 250 degrees Fahrenheit (or the[Read More…]
SciTech Calendar: Jan. 14
Major Depression and Suicide: Presentation by Dr. Gustavo Turecki Contact [email protected] to RSVP Jan 20, 6 to 8 p.m. The Killam Prize lecture—Vaccines: Impact on Global Health and Economics Lecture given by Dr. Lorne A. Babiuk, 2013 Killam Prize Winner in Health Sciences. Registration is free but on a first-come,[Read More…]