Other News

Highlights from the Apr. 11 SSMU Council

Library Improvement Fund After meeting with student leaders, Library Improvement Fund (LIF) Coordinator Kira Gossack-Keenan outlined how the $630,000 fund will be allotted in a presentation to Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU)’s Legislative Council. “In terms of progress that we’ve done this year, we’ve been working on a variety[Read More…]

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Josh Redel (Alexandra Allaire / McGill Tribune)

SSMU Report Cards

Josh Redel (President): A- Since coming into office, Josh Redel has proven to be a fair and reliable President. One of Redel’s biggest projects this year was revamping SSMU General Assemblies (GAs). Although there remains room for improvement, Redel made a number of technology-oriented changes to increase the efficiency of[Read More…]

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