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Fracking, but no peace

Tensions flared last week in New Brunswick as First Nations protesters set police cars ablaze, and threw rocks at RCMP officers in a violent anti-fracking demonstration. An attempt by the federal government to begin fracking on lands of the Elsipogtog First Nation has reopened questions about the legality of federally[Read More…]

Adam Devine’s prime time

If you’re into raucous laughter and slacking off when you should be doing something productive, you’re probably familiar with a little show called Workaholics. The crew of lazy, hilarious telemarketers (played by Blake Anderson, Anders Holm, and last—but definitely not least­—Adam Devine) have been making waves with their uniquely ridiculous[Read More…]

Is TaCEQ right for SSMU?

This year, the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) will be spending $17,000 on its membership to the Table de Concertation Étudiante du Québec (TaCEQ). Better known as the Quebec Student Roundtable, the organization is a student federation that seeks to represent its members on issues regarding student affairs by[Read More…]

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