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Ask Scitech

Perhaps the easiest lie to detect is when someone says they have never lied. From social fibs, in which a person lies in order to protect someone else’s feelings or to benefit others, to self-enhancement fibs, in which a person lies to save face or avoid consequences. In a nutshell,[Read More…]

Meet your mayoral candidates

Election day in Montreal is just around the corner, with the McGill-hosted English language mayoral debate on Oct. 22. and the mayoral election date set for Nov. 3. Although there are 12 candidates in total, the Tribune offers profiles of a few of the frontrunners, their backgrounds, and their platforms,[Read More…]

The Italian surveillance job

Gianfranco Rosi’s panoramic portrait of the working communities connected by Rome’s Grande Raccordo Anulare (GRA) highway hews closely to broad-brush expectations of what one might find in the region: a man chews a cigar in the golden bathtub of a palatial home, a fisherman trawls for eels at dawn, and[Read More…]

Third man in

Jerseys are the ultimate symbol of a fan’s devotion to their team. They tell onlookers not only where someone’s allegiances lie on game day, but also provide a unique insight into what that person’s values and what their personality is like. A LeBron James jersey from his tenure with the[Read More…]

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