When I called to interview Zachary Gray of The Zolas, he was in a line deciding on a pastry to buy in Toronto. Since September, after stops in Toronto and Hamburg, Germany, they’ve been on a Canada-wide tour. Now, Zolas is embarking on a 30-day tour with Ottawa’s Hollerado and[Read More…]
Latest News
Ask Scitech
Perhaps the easiest lie to detect is when someone says they have never lied. From social fibs, in which a person lies in order to protect someone else’s feelings or to benefit others, to self-enhancement fibs, in which a person lies to save face or avoid consequences. In a nutshell,[Read More…]
Meet your mayoral candidates
Election day in Montreal is just around the corner, with the McGill-hosted English language mayoral debate on Oct. 22. and the mayoral election date set for Nov. 3. Although there are 12 candidates in total, the Tribune offers profiles of a few of the frontrunners, their backgrounds, and their platforms,[Read More…]
SSMU Council approves Midnight Kitchen referendum questions
On Oct. 10, the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) Legislative Council met to discuss two referendum questions regarding Midnight Kitchen and an amendment for allowing councillors to sit on committees as members-at-large. Principal Suzanne Fortier also attended council where she spoke on the importance of SSMU. Midnight Kitchen[Read More…]
SSMU conduct on General Assembly an abdication of duty
Last Wednesday’s Fall General Assembly (GA) of the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) was once again marred by staggeringly low attendance. At its peak, the assembly only managed about 50 attendees attendees—far from its 100-member quorum. The apparent absence of an engagement campaign leading up to the event was[Read More…]
McGill Hackers battle it out in 30-hour MIT ‘hack-a-thon’
Thirty hours, more than 1,000 hackers and over $10,000 in prizes—this was HackMIT. Hosted by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in the picturesque town of Cambridge, Massachusetts, HackMIT brought programmers from every level to participate in a ‘hack-a-thon.’ The purpose of the event was to create a product or[Read More…]
The Italian surveillance job
Gianfranco Rosi’s panoramic portrait of the working communities connected by Rome’s Grande Raccordo Anulare (GRA) highway hews closely to broad-brush expectations of what one might find in the region: a man chews a cigar in the golden bathtub of a palatial home, a fisherman trawls for eels at dawn, and[Read More…]
Student of the week: Debra Kelsall
Most days, Debra Kelsall can be found hard at work at the Bronfman Building. As a second year student in the Honours Investment Management Program, Kelsall’s interest in her program has expanded beyond the classroom, as seen through her involvement in groups such as the Desautels Women in Business Club[Read More…]
Third man in
Jerseys are the ultimate symbol of a fan’s devotion to their team. They tell onlookers not only where someone’s allegiances lie on game day, but also provide a unique insight into what that person’s values and what their personality is like. A LeBron James jersey from his tenure with the[Read More…]
Court denies McGill request for discretionary power over ATIs
The Commission d’accès à l’information has ruled against granting McGill the discretionary power to deny Access to Information (ATI) requests. The Oct. 7 ruling comes after McGill submitted a motion last December asking for the ability to deny ATI requests that it deemed “overly broad” or “frivolous,” saying that an[Read More…]