Other News

Does chocolate make you smarter?

As it becomes increasingly difficult to find a seat at McLennan, it’s clear midterms are fully underway at McGill. Although these tests make up less of our grades than finals, many students will do whatever it takes to perform well. Tactics range from taking up residence in the library to[Read More…]

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Tiny, immortal jellyfish: Scientists discover immortality in pinky-nail-sized jellyfish

From the philosopher’s stone to Voldemort and his horcuxes, humans have long been fascinated with the concept of immortality. However, scientists have found that one pinky-nail-sized jellyfish species has the remarkable ability to live forever.  Turritopsis nutricula, which originated in the Caribbean, is biologically immortal; its mortality rate doesn’t increase[Read More…]

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What happened in Canada this week?

COURT RULES PORTER MUST PAY MCGILL BACK Last Wednesday, The Montreal Gazette reported that the Quebec Superior Court has ordered former Chief Executive Officer of the McGill University Health Centre (MUHC) Arthur Porter to pay over $252,000 back to McGill. The sum represents a loan Porter did not pay back in full[Read More…]

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