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App review: LeftoverSwap

“You’re hungry. And cheap. We understand.” This is the motto of LeftoverSwap, a new app created to facilitate the exchange of leftovers between members of the community. The app allows ‘leftover givers’ to snap a picture of what food they cannot finish, name it, and share it with other members[Read More…]

Could be good

Californian act The Growlers make an appearance in Montreal this week with a tour that follows their January 2013 release Hung at Heart. The psychedelic quintet has a history of theatrically flamboyant shows, making use of crossdressing costumes and other trippy visuals.

Ask Tribby

My grandma was diagnosed with cancer a while ago, but things started to look worse these last few days. I really want to go home to Vancouver to see her in case anything happens because my grandma is one of the most important people in my life. The problem is I have two midterms coming up and am already going home for Thanksgiving. The tickets are expensive and it will be a major hassle to have to make the trip twice.

Campus Freedom Index received with skepticism at McGill

Last Tuesday, the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms (JCCF) released their Campus Freedom Index for 2013, with the McGill administration receiving D’s in both policies and practices and the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) receiving a D in policies and an F in practices. Since its release, however, the report has become the subject of debate on campus, with members of the McGill community criticizing the JCCF for its methodology and political background.

Read the latest issue

Read the latest issue