The Students’ Society of McGill University’s (SSMU) Board of Directors (BoD) met on Nov. 16. Before the board dove into the meeting’s agenda, they welcomed a new director, Fawaz Halloum. Sierra Fallis, Deputy Speaker, led the board through the meeting’s agenda points. First was an executive committee report presented by[Read More…]
Latest News
Along Party Lines: A guide to Montreal’s municipal politics
Montreal’s municipal government announced the approved city budget for 2024 on Nov. 15. The budget sees a $235 million increase in spending and, on average, a 4.9 per cent increase in residential property taxes. The 2024 budget also sees increases in spending on public transit and housing, as well as[Read More…]
Busy hands, idle minds
“Wow, all I’ve done today is school!” If, like myself, this thought runs through your head as you walk home in the dark at 4:30 p.m., it may be time to find an after-school activity. Learning a new skill, particularly over the course of multiple weeks, has many benefits for[Read More…]
Ask Ainsley: How not to get lost
Dear Ainsley, I write to you in utmost embarrassment. It has come to my attention that I have absolutely no sense of direction. In the past, I have been so reliant on my Maps app and my friends that I didn’t realize I had no clue where I was going.[Read More…]
Fall 2023 SSMU Referendum Endorsements
The Tribune’s Editorial Board presents its endorsements for the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) Fall 2023 referendum questions. The Tribune’s editors researched and discussed each of the questions before voting on each endorsement. The endorsements reflect a majority vote of the editorial board, with editors who have conflicts of[Read More…]
McGill’s neglect of Indigenous veterans fuels settler colonialism
Content warning: sexual violence, settler colonialism. Observed a few days before Remembrance Day, Indigenous Veterans Day on Nov. 8 commemorates the notable contributions of Indigenous veterans to Canada’s historical military pursuits. Despite official recognition since the day’s establishment in 1994, the broader acknowledgment of Indigenous contributions remains insufficient, and the[Read More…]
The hidden opponent: How ACL tears threaten women’s soccer
In the Feature of the Week: From sidelining top players in the 2023 women’s soccer World Cup to affecting young athletes on school playgrounds, Sports Editor Anoushka Oke delves into why ACL injuries in women’s soccer have become the sports unseen opponent, prompting pressing questions about deeper systemic issues in the beautiful game.
Quebec falls just short of a proactive response to post-pandemic mental health crisis
The Quebec government’s recent announcement of new measures to avoid psychiatric hospitalization emphasizes the importance of patient-centric and holistic mental illness treatment. However, it is also—put bluntly—too little, too late. Both the imminent introduction of medical assistance in dying (MAiD) as a care service for those struggling with severe mental[Read More…]
Learning to go slow
This past summer was a summer of long drives. I would put on a podcast, occasionally find a passenger, and hit the road in my beat-up blue Subaru. Ironically, at some point, while speeding on long stretches of Route 175, I also came to embrace moving slowly. I have always[Read More…]
Bio Locaux invests in the necessary model for Canada’s produce market
Montreal, like so many other cities, has seen a steady rise in inflation of grocery prices. The grocery inflation rate is sitting at about eight per cent, and is expected to increase further throughout 2023. Canadians find themselves on tighter budgets, unable to buy the amount and quality of food[Read More…]