Other News

Statement of values to replace provisional protocol

The McGill administration will replace the draft protocol regarding demonstrations, protests, and occupations with a new “statement of values and principles” concerning freedom of expression and freedom of peaceful assembly on campus. This plan was announced last Wednesday by Provost Anthony Masi and Vice-Principal (Administration and Finance) Michael Di Grappa.[Read More…]

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Councillors vote at PGSS Council. (Michael Paolucci / McGill Tribune)

PGSS Council votes not to support permanent SEDE funding

The McGill University Post-Graduate Students’ Society’s (PGSS) Council voted against supporting permanent funding for the Social Equity and Diversity Education (SEDE) Office last Wednesday. Discussion centered on whether PGSS should send a letter lobbying the administration to ask that SEDE receives permanent funding for two positions previously funded by Student[Read More…]

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What happened last week in Canada?

New HST in PEI to affect universities, colleges In April, Prince Edward Island will introduce a 14 per cent Harmonized Sales Tax (HST) that leverages a large amount of money from colleges and universities, according to media reports last week. Similar to the HST in place  for Atlantic Canada and Ontario,[Read More…]

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AGTMA: A guide to McGill Acronyms

The illustrious acronym. Think NSFW, SUV, or YOLO. From BET to the FBI, acronyms denote institutional authority, and cultural legitimacy. However, to the uninitiated, it can be hard to figure out what these caps lock configurations stand for. To make back-to-school a bit easier, the Tribune is proud to provide[Read More…]

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