Other News

Nanowires, like the one at center, could stimulate technological advances in computing. (vectorblog.com)

Nano advances poised to change everyday technology

In the ‘nanoworld’ a human hair is huge: roughly 100,000 nanometres in diameter. Dr. Peter Grütter, a McGill University physics professor, has committed himself to understanding the miniscule realm of nanotechnology. Dr. Grütter’s group develops microscopes used for research in the emerging field of nanoelectronics—tiny computers that use the nanometre[Read More…]

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State of the Liberal leadership race

Now that the American election is finally over, we can once again set our sights closer to home, where an interesting leadership battle is brewing in the Liberal caucus between Martha Hall-Findlay, Justin Trudeau, and more recently, Marc Garneau—who is expected to declare his candidacy very soon. As things stand[Read More…]

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War on Twitter

Following eight days of rocket exchanges, hundreds of deaths, and thousands of injuries, Israel and Hamas agreed to a cease-fire last Wednesday.  The thousand-year-old conflict and ongoing political and religious tension over the land known today as Israel is a primary cause of the eruption of violence—but an external element,[Read More…]

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