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This election matters, and every vote counts

This week, as you are bombarded by emails and Facebook invitations to vote in the SSMU executive elections, you may come up with a number of excuses for why you can’t, or don’t want to vote. Some of these might be legitimate, but if you say that it takes too long, that you just don’t care, or that SSMU doesn’t matter, you are sadly misinformed.

Whitney Pang (Alexandra Allaire / McGill Tribune)

What the disputed islands represent

Last month, South Korea began its largest national ban on Japanese goods in history. The ban comes in response to the Japanese government’s Feb. 22 celebration of Takeshima Day, commemorating Japan’s acquisition of the disputed islands in the Sea of Japan through the 1952 Treaty of San Francisco. All in[Read More…]

Understanding the role of social media

With the rise of social networking as a viable medium for debate, political messaging has changed the way we view public opinion. Companies, for example, have strategies for increasing “engagement” and “brand awareness” on social networks, and media organizations often troll Facebook and Twitter for everything from sources to story[Read More…]

Irish Stew. (Images from,

Irish stew with dumplings

Stew with dumplings – Serves 6-8. A genuine Irish family recipe to help alleviate your post-St. Paddy’s Day blues. This quick recipe is easy to prepare, and will definitely fill you up. Reheated leftovers are also delicious!    Stew: 2 cups cooked meat, diced (any of lamb, beef, pork, etc.) 2[Read More…]

Ask Tribby

Dear Tribby, I decided to move in with three close friends from residence, but over the course of the year, I’ve realized that we really shouldn’t have been roommates. I still value my friendships with all three girls, but I only want to live with one of them in the[Read More…]

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