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McGill should not bear brunt of budget cuts

December’s announcement of the drastic budget cuts facing McGill shocked the administration and the entire student body. While the cuts affect all of Quebec, there has been an emerging opinion among some Quebecers that McGill and other English-speaking universities should bear the brunt of these cuts. The argument is that[Read More…]

Stepping out of the comfort zone

McGill’s student population is an amalgam of culture and diversity, a mix of ethnic backgrounds making their way across campus every day.  Libraries and lecture halls buzz with snippets of conversation in an eclectic mélange of dialects. With over 20 per cent of the student population holding foreign passports, the[Read More…]

How much is too much caffeine?

Coffee is often a welcomed friend during the semester. According to folklore, the bean’s energizing properties were first discovered by an Ethiopian goat herdsman, who found his flock frolicking after eating coffee berries from nearby bushes. It’s not just goats that enjoy the effects of caffeine, however. According to the[Read More…]

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Student of the Year March

Over Reading Week, students voted on the Tribune’s website for their favourite Student of the Week out of the 20 students profiled this year. Votes were tallied, and we have compiled a semi-March Madness style bracket to share the results. 

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