Other News

Around the Water Cooler

In case you were too busy fact checking the U.S. presidential debates, or catching the first week of fall sweeps, here’s what you missed this past week in the world of sports… BASEBALL — The boys of summer continue on, as the kings of October wait to be crowned. A-Rod[Read More…]

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Sports Briefs

Rugby: Redmen continue their playoff push  Adversity continues to have no effect on the Redmen rugby squad, as the team claimed its third straight contest following the recent ineligible player ruling by the RSEQ. Battling the Sherbrooke Vert-et-Or at Molson Stadium on Sunday, McGill cruised to a 48-5 victory over the[Read More…]

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Soccer is anything but mundane

Let’s make one thing clear: I absolutely love sports. Whether it’s football, baseball, tennis, or even badminton, I am willing to watch just about anything. However, there is only one sport for which I have an undying passion: soccer. I laughed when I turned on the television to read the[Read More…]

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