Other News

The PGSS October Council meeting. (Anna Katycheva / McGill Tribune)

PGSS Council discusses McGill and Quebec education summits

Last Wednesday, the Post-Graduate Students’ Society (PGSS) held its October council meeting. The meeting featured discussion about the upcoming Quebec and McGill Education Summits, and included a presentation by a representative from the Fédération Étudiante Universitaire du Québec (FEUQ). The newly elected Parti Québécois (PQ) government is to hold a[Read More…]

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SEDE promotes community involvement

On Oct. 5, McGill’s Social Equity and Diversity Education (SEDE) Office held their first annual Community Engagement Day (CED). The event featured approximately 20 different activities in which students had the opportunity to engage with Montreal community organizations, participate in volunteer activities around the city, and become involved in discussions[Read More…]

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Indigenous Studies Program Still In The Works

The status of the McGill Indigenous Studies Program has been clarifed following a miscommunication between the relevant parties. In her last report to Council, SSMU Vice-President University Affairs Haley Dinel wrote that Dean of Arts Christopher Manfredi had approved a new Indigenous Studies Program. Although the project is in development,[Read More…]

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