Other News

Letter to the Editor

In his recent article, “Moral superiority and student politics,” Abraham Moussako argues that students have no duty to participate in campus politics. I’d like to refute that idea by arguing that judgements about the duty to participate are necessarily made in reference to particular facts about a particular issue.  In[Read More…]

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Letter to the Editor

As a known student radical and victim of police brutality, I find Abraham Moussako’s Guest Column (“Moral superiority and student politics”) generally callous and presumptuous. In particular (and more relevant to my critique), I found the text personally offensive. In his recent opinion piece, he looks down upon the complex[Read More…]

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10 Reasons why autumn is awesome

If you’ve been outside in the past month, you have likely noticed that summer is now over. Though the change of season signals an inevitable descent into the cold, dark winter, the drop in temperature gives students and Montrealers alike a chance to switch up their wardrobes and pastimes. Put[Read More…]

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Sweet Potato Recipe

Here is a classic feel-good family recipe that is perfect for Thanksgiving. Easy to prepare, this dish is a staple at any table come Thanksgiving weekend; it will definitely have you coming back for seconds! Ingredients 3-4 large sweet potatoes ¼ – ½ lb salted butter ¼ cup milk 1[Read More…]

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Long Weekend Getaways

If you hail from Canada’s West Coast—or if you celebrate Thanksgiving in November for some strange reason—and aren’t going home this long weekend for turkey, take advantage of the extra day off. Go exploring! Burlington: The largest city in Vermont is only two hours away by car or bus. Its[Read More…]

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Customer etiquette

Any good writer seeks to express the truth, be it in politics or interior decorating. Until now, it seems that a large portion of the restaurant-frequenting world has been blind to what really happens behind the scenes in these hectic establishments that appear calm and cool to the blind eye.[Read More…]

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