Other News

Off the Board

There are few things that I completely treasure. For some inexplicable reason, everything for me comes with a caveat, something that prohibits me from fully embracing its excellence.  The Miami Heat was the best team in basketball last season, but don’t speak to me about it until LeBron wins his[Read More…]

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A real Romney gaffe

It’s easy to understand why Mitt Romney must be feeling frustrated right now. The four-day Republican National Convention was first hijacked by a hurricane, and then by an old man talking to a chair.  Meanwhile, the majority of the media met the Democratic National Convention with plaudits, and Obama has[Read More…]

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Graduating into the real world. (www.iastate.edu)

How long can I stay?

There is more to planning your education than choosing your school, faculty, major, and minor. University attracts learners from a range of diverse experiences: mature students, little ducklings fresh out of high school, and those who opted to take a year (or two) in between high school and university for[Read More…]

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