Other News

Why I eat organic

I prefer to buy organic products as opposed to non-organic products. “Why?” you might ask. Although the concept of “organic” is an attractive one, it is an expensive diet and lifestyle to uphold. Some people wonder if it really makes that much of a difference. However, the “expensive” argument is[Read More…]

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J-Board to hear case on AUS referenda

The Judicial Board (J-Board) of the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) is preparing to hear the case of Bangs v. Calver and Cheng, regarding the potential invalidation of the 2012 Winter Referendum for the Arts Undergraduate Society (AUS). The petition was filed by Chris Bangs, an U3 economics, urban[Read More…]

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McGill to offer new Liberal Arts program

A new Liberal Arts program,  approved by the McGill Senate last May, could be offered by McGill in the near future. According to Associate Dean of Arts (Student Affairs) André Costopoulos, the new bachelor’s degree was created in response to the discontinuation of the Humanistic Studies program in 2009 and[Read More…]

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Why I remember

Today marks the 11th anniversary of the attacks on September 11th, 2001. On that day, I was a fifth grader in downtown Manhattan. I remember that day, and I remember every September 11th after that. Every year, I’m shocked by the strength of my feelings. Every year, I feel the[Read More…]

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For whose sake anyway?

In his talk at the 1992 Rio Earth Summit, Fidel Castro labeled the year the “hottest [one] in recorded history.” This was the very year that I was born. Hotter years have since been recorded; the last six months were the warmest ever. Castro’s speech was one that shone light[Read More…]

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