Other News

McGill Tribune / Sam Reynolds, Ryan Reisert

McGill Sports Previews

Redmen Football The Redmen football team has recently become a confounding disappointment for McGill Athletics and their fans. As a heavily bankrolled team, results akin to McGill’s hockey successes should rightfully be strived for and expected. Unfortunately, this has not been the case. Both of the last two seasons have[Read More…]

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Around The Water Cooler

In case you were too busy looking after kids, getting coffee for your very prestigious boss, or … tanning, here’s what you missed this past summer in the world of sports: EURO 2012 — The tournament started off amid accusations of racism by European Football Championship hosts, Poland and Ukraine,[Read More…]

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Frosh: a senior (citizen’s) persective

Every year, McGill’s campus goes quiet as students flock home for the summer. The laws of physics that govern summertime seem to slow down time and campus becomes calm, almost quaint. It persists in this way for almost three months, unperturbed by the bustle of Downtown Montreal. But then—a strangely[Read More…]

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