A symbol for the supporters: why you should wear a green circle if you support the tuition hike
The tuition hike is a polarizing subject. On one side, you have those who accept it, believing it will help maintain the quality of education and that the degree they are pursuing is an investment. On the other side, opponents claim that higher education fees will lead to less people attending university. Although both sides are legitimate points of view and each should be allowed to freely express its position, there seems to be a total absence of “Pro-Hike” supporters in the public, even if this position is adopted by many students. You see students wearing red squares and handing out flyers to rally for manifestations but you never see people promoting the tuition hike, or even openly identifying themselves as supporting the raise. This needs to change: the tuition hike supporters must defend their position, confront those who promote the strike, and openly show their allegiance. This is why the green circle movement was created: to give a way for supporters to identify themselves as such, and to oppose to the red square symbol. By defending their position, “pro-hike” students will contribute to a more rational debate, something which we critically need. So if you support the tuition hike, wear a green circle pinned to your bag or coat and “occupy” public space as much as strikers do, because remember: there are a lot of people who support the tuition hike. They only need to stop hiding.
–Maxime Rivard, U3 Engineering, founder of ” ouVERTement pour la hausse/Openly for the raise” movement.