What is it?
This week, head over to the Redpath museum to listen to a collection of professors provide a short presentation of their research. Make sure to get there early, as seating is limited and spots fill up fast. Following the presentations, students are invited to mingle with the presenters over lunch to find out more about their research and how they can get involved.
Soup and Science is being held January 13 to 17, 11:30 AM each day at the Redpath Museum.
Check out the website at http://www.mcgill.ca/science/research/ours/soupscience/jan2014 for a complete list of the presenters this week.
Who you can see:
Tuesday, January 14, 2014
Jörg Kienzle (Computer Science): Software Engineering (model-driven engineering, aspect-oriented software development), dependability (fault tolerance), massively multiplayer games (scalability, fault tolerance)
Wednesday, January 15 2014
Alyson Fournier (Neurology and Neurosurgery, Montreal Neurological Institute): Neuronal Regeneration and axon guidance
Thursday, January 16, 2014
Dan Bernard (Pharmacology): Molecular mechanisms of pituitary hormone synthesis
Caroline Palmer (Psychology): Memory and motor control in performance, skill acquisition, music cognition, knowledge representation
Friday, January 17 2014
Louigi Addario-Berry (Mathematics & Statistics): Probability and combinatorics
Elena Bennett (Natural Resource Sciences, School of Environment): Managing landscapes for multiple ecosystem services; human impact on large scale phosphorus cycling
Sebastien Breau (Geography): Geographies of inequality