McGill hit with class action lawsuit for alleged mind control, brainwashing experiments from 1943 to 1964

Content Warning: Descriptions of medical abuse, physical abuse, and psychological torture Charles Tanny visited the Allan Memorial Institute, a research and psychiatric centre operated by McGill’s Royal Victoria Hospital, in August 1957. He was referred to the Allan after experiencing pain in his face, a condition his family doctor believed[Read More…]

Finding the Old Home

I was nine years old when I first decided to go to synagogue with my grandfather. Every Saturday, I would sit on my couch, looking out the window onto the driveway, waiting for Zaidy Ell to pick me up in his grey minivan at 9:30 a.m.  I began this weekly[Read More…]

Paint me a pixel

Imagine intelligence is artificial  It begins as an idea. A flicker of colour, of motion, a feeling that you want to convey. There are so many mediums to choose from—charcoal, clay, oil, acrylic? Pencil, paintbrush, camera, hands? In a frenzy, you make the decision and set to work. It’s torturous,[Read More…]

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