NHL Playoff Preview

The days are getting warmer, clothes are getting lighter, and starting Wednesday, news junkies will no longer be able to catch Peter Mansbridge on their local CBC stations: the NHL playoffs are upon us.  Eight teams from each conference and their fans begin their bearded quests, praying that they will find that magic elixir[Read More…]

NHL Playoff Preview

The days are getting warmer, clothes are getting lighter, and starting Wednesday, news junkies will no longer be able to catch Peter Mansbridge on their local CBC stations: the NHL playoffs are upon us.  Eight teams from each conference and their fans begin their bearded quests, praying that they will[Read More…]

What’s a Grammy worth?

Proclaiming that the Grammy Awards aren’t the definitive measure of musical success isn’t exactly going out on a limb, but why is it that so many music fanatics approach this ceremony with either indifference or downright distain? The winners of the film industry’s Academy Awards might not always coincide with[Read More…]

Exploring Montreal

freelargephotos.com Ryan Reisert When Mark Twain visited Montreal in 1881, he told guests at a banquet held in his honour that it was his first time visiting a city where you couldn’t throw a brick without breaking a church window. He reported hearing of plans to build one more: “I[Read More…]

Hooked on overfishing

Rob Smith Rob Smith   As the global population continues to rise—and with it the demand for food—increasing pressure is being placed on our oceans. The saying goes, ‘there are plenty of fish in the sea,’ but the abundance of seafood in our supermarkets is deceptive.  According to the Marine[Read More…]

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