The best of McGill freebies

Midnight Kitchen: It’s lunch-time, you’re hungry, and you have no money. It’s time you made a trip to Midnight Kitchen in Room 302 of the Shatner Building. Every day, you will find very tasty, health-conscious, vegan meals prepared by dedicated volunteers, all for free! However, donations are always welcomed. Coat[Read More…]

How to stay out of trouble while drinking: A rundown of the rules

It’s the start of a new school year and the season of back-to-school parties—a time to make new friends and catch up with old ones. Getting hit with a fine in the process, however, is no one’s idea of fun on a Saturday night. The Legal Information Clinic at McGill has provided some rules to keep in mind as you make the most of the precious few weeks before midterms hit–no tickets or court dates involved.

Winter 2024 SSMU Executive Endorsements 

The Tribune’s editorial board presents its endorsements of the candidates for the 2024-2025 Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) executive team. Editors researched and communicated with each candidate before leading an editorial board discussion on the candidate’s qualifications and vision for their prospective role. Editors with conflicts of interest abstained[Read More…]

Winter 2024 SSMU Referendum Endorsements 

The Tribune’s Editorial Board presents its endorsements for the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) Winter 2024 referendum questions. Editors researched and discussed the questions before voting on each endorsement. These endorsements reflect a majority vote of the editorial board, with editors who have conflicts of interest abstaining from pertinent[Read More…]

Gerts, it hurts: I want you back

With vain hope in their hearts, students received an email from the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) on Oct. 28, hoping to read a promising update on the University Centre’s closure. However, students were disappointed by yet another delay: Gert’s, club spaces, and community spaces are still inaccessible.  Initially,[Read More…]

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