Divest McGill presents progress on Metro Inc. boycott at SSMU Legislative Council

Three student groups presented the missions of their respective organizations at the Jan. 14 Students’ Society of McGill University’s (SSMU) Legislative Council meeting. Divest McGill shared their ongoing boycott campaign to pressure McGill’s Board of Governors (BoG) to divest from the top 200 fossil fuel companies, McGill Students for Peace[Read More…]

McGill plans on enhancing in-person teaching activities for the Winter 2021 semester

In an email sent on Nov. 4, McGill’s Associate Provost (Teaching & Academic Programs) Christopher Buddle and Deputy Provost (Student Life & Learning) Fabrice Lebeau announced plans to increase in-person teaching activities for the Winter 2021 semester. As stated in September, remote learning will still remain the primary delivery method[Read More…]

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