On March 28, the McGill University Senate, the governing body tasked with general control and supervision over academic matters at McGill, convened to discuss McGill’s changing approach to issues of academic integrity. Martine Gauthier, executive director of Student Services, also introduced the new Rossy Student Wellness Hub (RSWH). Additionally, Senate[Read More…]
Search Results for "McGill Professors"
Emails reveal details of how McGill handled dentistry sexual assault case
Email threads shared with The McGill Tribune via the Access to Information (ATI) Act have revealed new details on how the McGill administration handled a recent case of sexual assault within the Faculty of Dentistry. As uncovered by the CBC in December 2017, a former student alleged that a dentist at[Read More…]
Memes are best for roasting McGill administration: Change my mind
The “Change My Mind” meme emerged this past February, when a conservative commentator named Steven Crowder set up a table outside the campus of Texas Christian University with a sign reading “Male privilege is a myth, change my mind.” Crowder has a YouTube page and a podcast where he frequently[Read More…]
BSN spearheading development of McGill Africana Studies Program
The Black Student’s Network of McGill (BSN) is currently spearheading an initiative to develop an Africana Studies program in the Faculty of Arts. The program would offer an interdisciplinary study of the histories, politics, cultures, and contributions people with African heritage and in the African diaspora have made to communities[Read More…]
McGill Senate tackles distraction in lectures
“Interaction between students is at least as important as interaction with the professor,” Ragan said. “Peer instruction happens when you have a group of students whose knowledge individually is very incomplete but are able to bounce ideas off of each other and effectively find a solution.”
VP University Affairs advocates for open educational resources at McGill
Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) Vice-President (VP) University Affairs Isabelle Oke is seeking to raise awareness about Open Educational Resources (OERs) by holding an information session on Feb. 8. OERs are free teaching materials like study exercises, lecture presentations, and textbooks developed by professors and faculty from around the[Read More…]
McGill holds forum to discuss inclusivity and respectful debate on campus
On Jan. 24, the Principal’s Task Force on Respect and Inclusion in Campus Life held an open forum for students, faculty, and staff to voice their opinions and suggestions regarding campus inclusivity. The task force, which was announced in an email on Oct. 25 2017, is mandated to hold consultations[Read More…]
Soup and Science casts McGill researchers in the spotlight
From Jan. 15 to 19, the annual Soup and Science lecture series featured professors eager to present their research to students and spectators. The McGill Tribune reports: Assistant Professor Thomas Preston Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences Emma Gillies Contributor On Jan. 16, Assistant Professor Thomas Preston from the Department[Read More…]
McGill’s Senate discusses CAMSR terms of reference
Senate—the highest academic body at McGill, composed of students, staff, and administration representatives—held its first meeting of the year on Jan. 17. During the session, Senators approved adding the classification of the term “post-retirement” to the Regulations Relating to the Employment of Contract Academic Staff and the Faculty of Medicine[Read More…]
McGill Students Knitting Club: An inclusive atmosphere for all things yarn