The art scattered around McGill’s campus is a result of efforts by hundreds of artists over the past two centuries. Though publicly displaying these artworks can result in damage or vandalism, it’s a risk the the Visual Arts Collection is willing to take, according to Visual Arts Collection Assistant Daisy[Read More…]
Search Results for "McGill Professors"
AUS endorses Divest McGill petition to BoG
On Wednesday Nov. 18, the Arts Undergraduate Society (AUS) endorsed Divest McGill’s petition to remove McGill’s investments in fossil fuel companies and discussed future renovations to the Arts Lounge and McLennan Library. Divest McGill endorsement Council approved a motion of support regarding Divest McGill’s petition to the Board[Read More…]
McGill student sued for destruction of masters thesis
On Wednesday Nov. 4, McGill alumnus Elias Gedamu M.ENG‘11 was brought to court by NeuroRx Research Inc., a research organization that images the central nervous system, where he completed research for his Masters of Engineering thesis. McGill Professor Dr. Douglas Arnold, president of NeuroRX, supervised Gedamu’s research and was the[Read More…]
Demilitarize McGill: The unexpected applications of military research
Demilitarize McGill is one of the most well-known and controversial groups on campus. Those unfamiliar with Demilitarize McGill from their ubiquitous stickers and posters will have heard about their Remembrance Day protest last year, which drew large amounts of media attention in. Their goal continues to be the condemnation of[Read More…]
Learn to Code: An evening hosted by HackMcGill
On Sept. 30, HackMcGill hosted its second Learn to Code event at the Lorne Trottier Building. Created for McGill students unfamiliar with the programming world, Learn to Code offers newcomers help from those with experience. Following a brief introduction about the types of programming languages and a list of the[Read More…]
Commentary: McGill administration’s response to austerity falls short
Given that McGill is currently in a dire financial situation, it is surprising that the administration has not taken a firm stance against austerity. The university has projected that its accumulated deficit will rise to $96.3 million by the end of 2016. McGill’s funding problems are largely due to the[Read More…]
Preparing for life after McGill
Although graduation may seem far away, it is never too early to begin making plans for a career or continuing education after McGill. It is normal for students to feel anxious about postgraduate plans, and it can be daunting to not know where or when to start. Here’s a comprehensive[Read More…]
McGill 101: How to get career experience in the sciences
Deciding what to do after graduation is hard for all undergraduates. While some are blessed with the secure knowledge of what their future holds, for most, that’s not the case. For Science students, the most common choices are graduate or medical school. While undergraduate studies, for the most part, provide[Read More…]
McGill 101: An introduction to campus governance
With nearly 50,000 students, faculty members, and employees, McGill University has a comprehensive system of governance. Here's your introduction to the administrative structure at McGill, with a deeper look at SSMU, PGSS, McGill's Senate, and the McGill Board of Governors. SSMU Who they are The Students’ Society of McGill University[Read More…]
McGill 101: A guide to buying and selling textbooks
Amid all of the excitement that accompanies thousands of students flooding the streets of Montreal, buying textbooks might be overlooked at the start of the semester. Textbooks can be hard to find, and even harder to afford. Fortunately, there are a variety of ways for students to acquire textbooks that[Read More…]