Deciding what to do after graduation is hard for all undergraduates. While some are blessed with the secure knowledge of what their future holds, for most, that’s not the case. For Science students, the most common choices are graduate or medical school. While undergraduate studies, for the most part, provide[Read More…]
Search Results for "McGill Professors"
McGill 101: An introduction to campus governance
With nearly 50,000 students, faculty members, and employees, McGill University has a comprehensive system of governance. Here's your introduction to the administrative structure at McGill, with a deeper look at SSMU, PGSS, McGill's Senate, and the McGill Board of Governors. SSMU Who they are The Students’ Society of McGill University[Read More…]
McGill 101: A guide to buying and selling textbooks
Amid all of the excitement that accompanies thousands of students flooding the streets of Montreal, buying textbooks might be overlooked at the start of the semester. Textbooks can be hard to find, and even harder to afford. Fortunately, there are a variety of ways for students to acquire textbooks that[Read More…]
McGill 101: Navigating Facebook – McGill has sent you a friend request
Facebook is great for sharing photos, connecting with friends, and staying up to date on off and on-campus events. There are many McGill groups and pages on Facebook that offer an array of updates and services for students. Here are the most important ones to follow to ensure a current[Read More…]
McGill Administration, SSMU responds to University’s low ranking on journalistic freedoms index
In October 2014, McGill was placed poorly on the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms’ annual ranking of free expression at Canadian universities. The Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) was also ranked as one of the 10 worst university unions.
McGill to review expenditures in light of budget cuts
Senate addresses budget cuts McGill Principal Suzanne Fortier addressed various concerns regarding the impact of provincial budget cuts on the university’s budget and services at last Wednesday’s Senate meeting. The Quebec government announced in the middle of November that $4.8 million would be cut from McGill’s budget, in addition to[Read More…]
What’s Happening at McGill
November – December 2014 Senate meetings Senate meetings feature discussion and decision-making regarding university academic policies. Members of the university are welcome to sit in and observe the Senate, which is comprised of students, professors, administration, and non-academic staff, and discuss an array of pertinent topics, including policy changes and[Read More…]
Campus Spotlight: Movember McGill
For some, November represents the impending cold of the long Montreal winter and the struggle to prepare for finals and assignments. For others, it also brings a whole different meaning. November marks the month of “Movember,” a movement started in Australia eight years ago by Adam Garone and a group[Read More…]
McGill to implement hiring freeze for administrative staff in light of budget cuts
Last Monday, Provost Anthony Masi held an open forum where he discussed the effects of the Quebec government’s recently announced budget cuts for the university sector on McGill’s financial situation. McGill’s budget for the 2015 fiscal year (FY2015) was approved by the Board of Governors last April and accounted for[Read More…]
Seeds of Change seeks community for growth at McGill
McGill University Advancement, which promotes the university through fundraising and alumni-engaging activities, launched an online crowdfunding initiative named Seeds of Change in May 2014, which has since raised more than $50,000 and funded nine projects. “We wanted to help students to get the exposure they need to maintain and expand[Read More…]