Microsoft chief research officer comes to McGill

Ryan Resiert Craig Mundie, Microsoft’s chief research and strategy officer, spoke at McGill last Friday about the future of human-computer interaction and Microsoft’s contributions to the field. Many students anxiously awaited the talk, including Joel Cheverie, a U0 mathematics student. “I use Microsoft [products] everyday and so I want to[Read More…]

Radio host Jon Steinman talks food security at McGill

Sophie Silkes On January 31, over 180 students, faculty, and community members attended a talk on local food system politics, delivered by Jon Steinman, broadcaster and host of the Nelson-based, internationally broadcast radio show “Deconstructing Dinner.” Oliver de Volpi, McGill’s executive chef, introduced Steinman and provided the crowd with mostly[Read More…]

The McGill holiday wish list

Merry Happy Holidays Christmas Chanukah Kwanzaa! Happy November 30!  Chanukah’s first candle will be lit tomorrow night, and Christmas has been well underway for a month now, at least based on the decorations and music in stores on St. Catherine Street.  With snow lining the streets and festive music all[Read More…]

Hiring tenure-track professors the way to go

The Tribune commends McGill’s commitment to increasing its number of tenure-track staff as part of its academic renewal program. It is a welcome shift from a North American trend of reducing tenure-track professors in favour of course lecturers hired on short-term contracts. Confusion in the campus press, stemming in part from the ambiguous and non-committal language of the McGill budget, had led many to believe that McGill was also reducing its tenure-track hires for the foreseeable future. However, so far as we can tell from the budget, and through clarification by campus administrators, this is not the case.

Former PM Joe Clark to join McGill staff

The McGill Centre for Developing-Area Studies recently hired political activist Joe Clark, who will begin teaching Oct. 1. He will be taking the position of Professor of Practice for Public-Private Sector Partnerships and will be responsible for helping build bridges between academic, public sector, private sector and NGOs to real world issues.

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