Exams belong in the past

Job interviews for entry-level positions in the technology sector are notorious for the use of whiteboard tests: Interviewers ask applicants to solve programming problems on a whiteboard, without access to reference materials or coded-checking tools that programmers would usually have access to when doing real work. Universally reviled by applicants,[Read More…]

Tribune Explains: Academic appointments

The intricacies of professors’ career paths often goes unnoticed by busy students. Yet, students interact with professors daily, and a positive or negative relationship with one may change a student’s life. One of the most substantial milestones a professor can achieve is academic appointment, but the process that guide appointments[Read More…]

Let’s Talk About Race

At McGill, issues surrounding sexuality, gender, and consent have come to the forefront of campus dialogue in recent years; however, the same awareness of racial equality and representation does not exist. Conversations about racial issues are so invisible that many students are not even aware that there is anything to[Read More…]

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