Memories unravelled

In 1953, Henry Molaison underwent an experimental surgery known as bilateral temporal lobectomy to treat the severe epilepsy he had been experiencing. His surgeon removed his medial temporal lobe, including a structure known as the hippocampus—a part of the brain involved in the storage of long-term memory—in hopes of curing[Read More…]

Research brief: Computer game aids DNA research

Thanks to the work of McGill professors Jérôme Waldispühl and Mathieu Blanchette, anyone with access to the Internet can contribute to current research in molecular biology. The duo designed a computer game known as Phylo, aimed at harnessing the problem solving abilities of humans to decipher the multiple sequence alignment[Read More…]

Cultural appropriation in pursuit of a noble cause

This past week, several professors from McGill donned some of the religious symbols that the Parti Québécois (PQ) has deemed ‘ostentatious’ in protest of the proposed Quebec Charter of Values. This charter would forbid public sector employees, including university professors, from wearing such symbols. Among those falling under sanction are turbans, hijabs, kippahs, and large cross necklaces­­—small jewelry, however, would be allowed. Last week, political science professor Catherine Lu organized a campaign with University of Montreal professor Marie Joelle-Zahar that called for professors to wear these symbols in classes starting on Sept. 12

Victoria Dillman

Connecting on campus

Social media is constantly evolving and being used in new ways. It has always been seen as a way to connect, often with friends from different locations. Most recently, users of Facebook have created pages drawing attention to various aspects of our campus. Overheard at McGill, McGill Compliments, Stuff McGill[Read More…]

Seminar discusses sexual slavery in Asia during WWII

Last Friday, March 30, the McGill Golden Key Society and the East Asian Students’ Association hosted “Sexual Slavery and the Asian Holocaust: A Seminar on the Comfort Women Issue in EastAsia.” McGill East Asian studies professors BrianBergstrom and Adrienne Hurley provided historical background and demonstrated the importance of the ongoing issues facing[Read More…]

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