On Oct. 21, the Superior Court of Québec dismissed McGill’s provisionary injunction request to limit protest activities on campus. The request came after the university successfully obtained a 10-day injunction barring campus demonstrations under specific conditions following a protest on Oct. 7. McGill and Concordia students organized this protest to[Read More…]
Search Results for "McGill Professors"
The Tribune Explains: Final grade submission at McGill
Many students at McGill have faced the prolonged dread of waiting for their final grades to be updated in Minerva. Some have expressed frustration and confusion on the McGill subreddit r/mcgill over grades appearing on their transcripts well past the end of the semester. The Tribune brings you a guide[Read More…]
From PTA to GPA: Sharing McGill campus with a parent
The general opinion seems to be that attending university with a parent is a situation to avoid at all costs. But what few people think about are the unique stories and the closeness you acquire crying over midterms at the same time as your mother. In my third year at[Read More…]
Oct. 7 student demonstrations dominates discussion at McGill Senate meeting
The McGill Senate convened for its second meeting of the academic year on Oct. 16 to discuss the new Deputy Chancellor, the student demonstrations of Oct. 7, and Bill 74. First on the agenda were memorial tributes for Professor Emeritus of Surgery Harvey Sigman, Professor Emeritus of Animal Sciences Sherman[Read More…]
McGill is leading in research but lagging in workers’ rights
McGill is continually ranked as a top research university in Canada, recently coming in second for medical research. Despite this status, the school consistently fails to adequately recognize the rights of its workers. From pushing its teaching assistants (TAs) to a hard strike for livable wages to undermining its law[Read More…]
McGill must confront its reliance on SPVM’s racist policing
Historically, police units have been known to target unhoused, queer, transgender, disabled, mentally ill, lower-income, Indigenous, Black, and other marginalized communities. Unhoused individuals sleeping on a park bench in Montreal can get fined up to $1000 CAD. Atif Siddiqi, who is transgender, alleged that the police laughed at them when[Read More…]
Letter to the Editor: What’s Left Unsaid of Unionization at McGill—On Abuse of Power and the Impetus for Structural Reform
Last week, the Labour Tribunal ordered McGill to cease meddling in the activities of the Association of McGill Professors of Law (AMPL), the first faculty union at McGill. This decision, rendered amid a strike that resumed on Aug. 26, garnered national media attention, with many beyond the McGill community expressing[Read More…]
TAs urge McGill to uphold contract at back-to-school rally
Call-and-response chants of “Union! Power!” punctuated the Association of Graduate Students Employed at McGill (AGSEM)’s back-to-school rally on Sept. 4. AGSEM, the union representing teaching assistants (TAs), exam invigilators, and Academic Casuals such as graders and tutors at McGill, held the event to mark their full return to instruction after[Read More…]
McGill begins fall term without Faculty of Law
McGill began the fall semester on Aug. 28 with its Law professors on strike. The Association of McGill Professors of Law (AMPL) first called the strike in April amidst a stalemate in their collective agreement (CA) negotiations with McGill. AMPL then decided to pause their strike in June when McGill[Read More…]
American students should be grateful for McGill’s rigid grading policies
In the past decade, there has been a massive uptick in average university grade point averages (GPAs) in the United States (most notably) but also in countries such as the United Kingdom. This data became especially alarming after university reports identified top U.S. universities such as Yale and Harvard as[Read More…]