Exam-season survival guide

If there’s one thing we can learn from Montreal’s frigid winters, it’s that they always beget spring; a period of stasis, then, is essential for growth. As we enter a new season—as well as exam season—remember that amid the hustle culture of academia, rest itself is a radical act of[Read More…]

On justice and mathematics

There is a passage in Plato’s //Meno// that goes something like this: The well-born Meno asks for proof of Socrates’ claim that no one is ever taught anything, and instead they recollect things they already know. Socrates calls over one of Meno’s enslaved attendants and asks the boy, who has[Read More…]

‘Decolonizing Approaches to Research’ tackles whitewashing and Eurocentrism in research

McGill’s Faculty of Education hosted a panel on Feb. 17 titled “Decolonizing Approaches to Research” that addressed colonial barriers to research through the lens of McGill’s research relationship with Barbados. Moderated by Jean St. Vil, a special advisor to the vice principal, the panel featured professor Terri Givens, provost’s academic[Read More…]

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