Black students and organizations reflect on Black History Month ahead of the annual programming

February 2022 marks the sixth official celebration of Black History Month at McGill, though members of Montreal’s Black community, including student groups at McGill and Concordia University, have been leading the occasion for more than two decades. This year’s celebrations were organized by the Office of the Provost and Vice-Principal[Read More…]

Carving fish in the sand

Every time I’m in the lecture hall analyzing a poem, I’m of two minds. On the one hand, as an English student, I am thinking of the poem as a critic would—sifting and weighing the words. But on the other hand, I am reading as a Christian, conscious of every[Read More…]

Professor Debra Thompson on the ‘absented presence’ of Black communities in Canada

The African Studies Students’ Association of McGill (ASSA) hosted a talk by professor Debra Thompson on Jan. 27 titled “The Great White North: Blackness in Canada.” An associate professor in the political science department and Canada Research Chair in Racial Inequality in Democratic Societies at McGill, Thompson spoke about the[Read More…]

From hustling to health

One evening this past semester, my roommates and I were discussing the McGill mascot, Marty the Martlet. Although we knew what Marty looked like, none of us had any idea what an actual martlet was. After some research, we discovered that our beloved mascot is based on an ancient mythological[Read More…]

Faculty of Science presents the 33rd edition of Soup and Science

The 33rd edition of Soup and Science, a popular Faculty of Science event showcasing the diversity of research being conducted at McGill, aims to provide students with an opportunity to interact directly with professors from different disciplines. Held remotely this semester, the mini-lecture series took place from Jan. 10 to[Read More…]

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