The McGill Tribune Opinion section staff writers debate the merits of the synchronous versus asynchronous learning styles adopted during the pandemic. Michael Dickinson: Synchronous COVID-19 has upended students’ university experiences, and without a normal routine, it is hard to stay motivated. Many students also feel socially isolated and miss the sense[Read More…]
Search Results for "McGill Professors"
Round table presents traditional Inuit knowledge in the contemporary world
Broadcasting live from Iqaluit, Nunavut on March 19, Aaju Peter lit and kindled a small fire over a large stone tub of oil as students, professors, and artists witnessed the flame spread. By lighting the qulliq—a traditional oil lamp used by Arctic Indigenous Peoples—Peter commenced Inuit Qaujimajatuqangit: Traditional Knowledge in[Read More…]
SSMU executive candidates debate safety and accessibility
The Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) hosted the 2021-2022 SSMU Executive Candidates’ Debate virtually on March 15. After presenting their platforms, the candidates answered questions from current SSMU executives, the SSMUnion, and attendees. Four of the six executive positions, Vice-President (VP) Student Life, VP Finance, VP Internal, and VP[Read More…]
The dark side of studying nutrition
CW: Disordered eating I entered my freshman year at McGill with the dream of becoming a dietitian. After struggling with negative body image and disordered eating during high school, I vowed to dedicate my career to helping those experiencing the same challenges. I also thought that studying nutrition on a[Read More…]
COVID-somnia is ruining students’ schedules
As student routines change due to COVID-19, many are noticing disturbances in their sleep schedules. Experts attribute “COVID-somnia” to anxiety surrounding the pandemic, such as feeling helpless in the face of a global crisis. While students at McGill lead efforts to combat these mental health difficulties, educators and administrators must[Read More…]
Gratitude alone does not help emergency workers
Gratitude, like many conventions observed in everyday life, is remarkably pleasant yet wholly unnecessary. No one would lose sleep without it, but small gestures of thanks have their purpose. Whether someone has held the door open or returned a lost belonging, showing gratitude demonstrates care for others and reminds people[Read More…]
‘Love in the Time of…’ allows history students to cozy up
The Classics Students’ Association (CSA) and History Students’ Association (HSA) teamed up on Feb. 11 to host the “Love in the Time of…” lecture series remotely. As they did for their “Haunted Histories” Halloween event earlier this academic year on Oct. 27, each student association invited two professors from their[Read More…]
A future with 100 per cent green energy
In 2015, all United Nations (UN) member states adopted the Agenda for Sustainable Development, which comprises 17 goals that address the social, political, and economic aspects of sustainability to be achieved by 2030. On Feb. 9, a panel discussion titled “Can We Ever Achieve 100% Green Energy?” was held as[Read More…]
31st Soup and Science: Random matrices, weight-loss programs, and green chemistry
On the week of Feb. 1, the Faculty of Science hosted the 31st edition of the beloved Soup and Science series in a five-day virtual event. Professors from various departments gave short presentations about their research and interacted with online attendees in break-out rooms. The McGill Tribune brings highlights of the[Read More…]
AUS candidates discuss mental health at 2021 election debate
McGill’s Arts Undergraduate Society (AUS) held a virtual debate on Feb. 4 for candidates running in the upcoming AUS elections to discuss student mental health, support for survivors of violence, and equity in the Arts faculty. Candidates running for the positions of President, Vice-Presidents (VP), Representative, and Senator outlined each[Read More…]