Dear Ainsley, I’m a fourth-year Arts student stressed about post-graduation life. I was under the impression that I’d have lots of networking opportunities in my final year of undergrad. However, since classes have gone online, I’m finding it hard to make connections with employers and professors. I’m worried I won’t[Read More…]
Search Results for "McGill Professors"
Left behind: The impact of the pandemic on international students
The beginning of McGill’s remote semester has been especially challenging for international students, who faced the additional barriers of visas, study permits, and border closures. International students will continue to face unique hurdles throughout the rest of the year, as many struggle accessing courses, academic help, and course materials from[Read More…]
Online learning must prioritize accessibility
Like many students, I found myself returning home before the end of the Winter 2020 semester. Recognizing that these unique circumstances presented an opportunity, I decided to enroll in courses during the summer semester. This was both a wise idea and a horrible one. Having never been to my parents’[Read More…]
Zoom University threatens to leave students behind
During the last two weeks, students were welcomed back to a McGill that no one had ever seen before. Across time zones throughout Canada and around the world, frantic searching for class locations was replaced with anxious scrambling for Zoom links as students and academic staff struggled to adapt to[Read More…]
Scholars strike to call for an end to systemic racism within academic institutions
Scholars across Canada and the United States took part in a collective action on Sept. 9 and Sept. 10 to protest anti-Black, anti-Indigenous, and colonial violence within academic institutions. Known as the Scholar Strike, workers in academia boycotted normal class schedules for the two-day period to organize teach-ins on police[Read More…]
What we’re learning about remote learning
In case you have not gotten the memo, McGill classes are all now held virtually. Gone are the days of running to your 8 a.m. classes, commuting to school, and pretending to stay awake during lectures. Yet, this comes at the cost of the regular start-of-the-year events, and a regular[Read More…]
Facing the back-to-school blues
Stress levels of university students have peaked during the COVID-19 pandemic. Whether these students return to campus or continue their studies remotely, that stress is unlikely to dissipate. In a recent survey, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported that 62.9 per cent of individuals aged 18-24 disclosed[Read More…]
Lab classes move online, revamped for distance learning
Laboratory classes have long depended on hands-on teaching, the kind that instructors can no longer provide as the COVID-19 pandemic pushes the Fall semester online. Lab skills, however, remain an essential component of many science degrees, prompting professors to develop creative solutions to ensure that students can continue to learn[Read More…]
Students deserve to choose distance learning after the pandemic ends
The recent announcement that the Fall 2020 semester will take place primarily through remote instruction was jarring news to students who have already experienced significant disruptions to their academic routines due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Although the switch to distance learning has been challenging for some programs, there are undeniable[Read More…]
Soup & Science goes digital for “Sun & Science”
On May 22, the Faculty of Science offered students and community members their widely popular Soup and Science presentation series, where professors from various departments deliver short talks on their research. For the first time in its history, lectures were offered in the spring and online, prompting organizers to aptly[Read More…]