With the voting period for Arts Undergraduate Society (AUS) executives now underway, AUS Elections hosted a debate on Feb. 12 for candidates to discuss their platforms and respond to questions. All executive positions except for Vice-President (VP) Academic are uncontested. Meanwhile, there are six candidates up for the position of[Read More…]
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Summer exchange course in Israel sparks debates
The Arts Undergraduate Society (AUS) Executive Committee has since passed POLI 339. According to AUS, they did not have enough information regarding the course by their Legislative Council meeting on Jan. 30. AUS has since suspended the result of the Committee vote following allegations that the vote was undemocratic and unconstitutional.[Read More…]
Soup & Science: Animal edition
At McGill’s biannual intersection of science and lunch, Redpath Museum hosted Soup and Science, providing students with a look into some of the most interesting and exciting research currently underway at the university. In a series of short, three-minute presentations last week, professors from a wide array of scientific disciplines[Read More…]
Letter to the Editor: A support system for student athletes
I am writing in response to the December 5, 2018, Tribune article entitled “Swim team members allege an unhealthy athletic atmosphere.” While I cannot speak to the individual experiences of the quoted students, I feel it is important to fill in the article’s incomplete picture of the support system McGill[Read More…]
Post-Graduate Student Society (PGSS) Executive Midterm Reviews
Helena Zakrzewski, Secretary-General Zakrzewski ran on a platform of improving mental health services for graduate students, increasing support for international students, and re-engaging society members. Over the past semester, she has overseen and supported the initiatives of other PGSS councillors while undertaking an extensive evaluation of PGSS governance bodies. Zakrzewski[Read More…]
The committee on teaching staff-student relationships has failed students
The Ad Hoc Senate Committee for Teaching Staff-Student Relationships was created to respond to widespread student concerns over how McGill deals with abuses of power in the wake of last year’s winter semester walk-out. The committee was tasked with making non-binding recommendations to Senate which would address McGill’s obligations vis-à-vis[Read More…]
PGSS executive midterm reviews
Helena Zakrzewski, Secretary-General Zakrzewski ran on a platform of improving mental health services for graduate students, increasing support for international students, and re-engaging society members. Over the past semester, she has overseen and supported the initiatives of other PGSS councillors while undertaking an extensive evaluation of PGSS governance bodies. Zakrzewski[Read More…]
Seemingly-redundant organ discovered to influence development
Scientists have long wondered about the function of rudimentary structures which have no apparent use, such as organs like the appendix and tonsils. In On The Origin of Species, Charles Darwin hypothesized that these vestigial structures are remnants of our evolutionary past and explained their presence using his widely-accepted theory[Read More…]
Student of the Week: Hannah Miller
Social work student fights for accessibility in the faculty.
Hot Cities of the World Tour takes students to far-off destinations
A hidden McGill adventure at students’ fingertips.