On Jan. 10, the Arts Undergraduate Society (AUS) Legislative Council held its first meeting of the Winter semester. Council deliberated new ways to allocate the Arts Computer Lab Fund, and to incorporate funds from increased student fees into the Society’s Winter budget. Council conducts straw poll on computer rentals[Read More…]
Search Results for "McGill Professors"
Online hate-blocking app protects users’ mental health
Triggering language—including terms that provoke traumatic memories or harmful thoughts—endangers the mental well-being of people with conditions such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and anxiety. While it is impossible to fully avoid upsetting words in day-to-day life, trigger-free spaces are crucial for providing solace and protecting mental health. However, as[Read More…]
SSMU Legislative Council addresses CBC sexual violence report
At its first meeting of 2018 on Jan. 11, the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) Legislative Council discussed accusations of sexual assault and harassment in the Faculty of Dentistry reported by the CBC. SSMU Indigenous Affairs Commissioner Carlee Kawinehta Loft also guest spoke on the topic of legislative reform,[Read More…]
Minerva schedules cause confusion over semester end dates
Every academic year, the Committee on Enrolment and Students Affairs (CESA) and the McGill University Senate approve the Calendar of Academic Dates, which stipulates dates for the start and end of classes and other important events throughout the semester. CESA and Senate approved the Calendar of Academic Dates 2017-2018 in[Read More…]
Open Letter highlights gaps in pay for women and racialized research employees
As part of the Association of McGill University Research Employees’ (AMURE) ongoing negotiations with the university, President Sean Cory published an Open Letter to Principal Suzanne Fortier on Oct. 25. The letter lays out four injustices that research employees at McGill face, which AMURE—a union of research associates and assistants at[Read More…]
Evaluating gendered bias in course evaluations
‘Tis the season—for course evaluations. At McGill, the online form asks students to effectively grade their professors, by identifying the degree to which they agree with statements such as, “Overall, this instructor is an excellent teacher.” These data are then made available to all McGill students, but open-ended feedback is[Read More…]
Letter to the Editor: The role of the Dean of Students
A student writes: “My sister is in the hospital—I’m going to miss a week of class, I have assignments due and I’m really struggling with my own mental health because of this. A friend told me that the Dean of Students can help—is this true?” While a core mandate of[Read More…]
How to make the most of office hours in the last few weeks of the semester
As the Fall semester comes to an end, students are frantically turning in term papers, taking their last round of midterms, and reluctantly beginning to think about their upcoming finals. While there is no magic solution for securing a high GPA, there is one resource from which all students can[Read More…]
When educators are undervalued, everyone loses
On Tuesday, Nov. 21, hundreds of thousands of Ontario college students returned to class as the province’s five-week college faculty strike finally came to an end. The 12,000 college faculty—including professors, instructors, counsellors, and librarians—had been on strike since Oct. 16. After all that, it’s hard to say who won.[Read More…]
Plan to procrastinate, studies suggest
It’s a Friday night, and a midnight deadline looms ahead. At 11:55 p.m., many students race against the clock to submit their assignments. Perhaps they’re scolding themselves for having again left homework to the last minute, or reflecting on the countless times this has happened before. More often than not, students are[Read More…]