Many students share a common goal of securing a job right out of university—but this task can prove more challenging than many anticipate. There is a crucial underlying factor at play in deciding one’s career fate: Their networks. New graduates are often cautioned with the age-old saying “it’s who you[Read More…]
Search Results for "McGill Professors"
MyCourses revamped: Five new things you can do
Come the start of each school year, many McGill students feel their blood pressure rise as they open MyCourses for the first time, exchanging their summer freedom for new academic goals and bucket lists.
Governance 101
STUDENTS' SOCIETY OF MCGILL UNIVERSITY Who They Are The Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) is the representative and governing body for all students pursuing undergraduate and professional degrees at McGill. Its base of operations is the University Centre—also known as the Shatner Building, named after a particularly famous graduate.[Read More…]
The allegory of Trump in Canada
As an American student at McGill, many of the things I’ve heard some Canadians say about the United States—particularly its politics—have been false, absurd, and, on occasion, hypocritical. More concerning, however, is the apparent failure of many Canadians to understand American politics and learn from our mistakes. In my experience,[Read More…]
First-Year Seminars aid new students’ transition into university
When I was finalizing my university decision, my biggest hesitation about attending McGill University was the sheer class size of core requirement courses for my then-major Economics. I had never had a class with more than 25 students throughout my elementary and secondary education, so I felt both overwhelmed and[Read More…]
Principal Fortier addresses Andrew Potter resignation at Board of Governors meeting
On April 27, the McGill Board of Governors (BoG) met to discuss the resignation of Andrew Potter, the challenge of defining campus borders when applying the McGill context, and plans for the Provost’s Task Force on Indigenous Studies and Indigenous Education. The BoG also outlined objectives for repairs and restoration[Read More…]
2016-2017 SSMU executive reviews
The McGill Tribune Editorial Board reviewed the 2016-2017 Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) executives on their performance. Although these summaries intend to review the executives' entire term, not all information received regarding each executive was published due to space constraints in the paper. In its editorial discussion, the Tribune evaluated each executive[Read More…]
The rationale behind feeling
When at a crossroads, one may turn to confidants, religious texts, philosophy, or even the dubious self-help book section in search for answers to the problems of life’s minutiae. Along this vein, the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) has become my latest interest in popular psychology. Its dichotomies based on Jungian[Read More…]
EUS Wellness Survey sheds light on mental health in Faculty of Engineering
On Feb. 23, the Engineering Undergraduate Society (EUS) released the results of a wellness survey of its members that was conducted in November 2016. To address the findings, EUS hosted an open forum on March 9. According to EUS President Jean-Louis Shi, the results signal a need for change in[Read More…]
AUS discusses support for prospective students affected by the U.S. travel ban
On Feb. 8, the Arts Undergraduate Society (AUS) Legislative Council passed four motions, which pertained to student jobs, reforming the McGill Psychology Students’ Association constitution, screening potential Vice-President (VP) Finance candidates, and support for prospective students affected by the U.S. travel ban. Motion to Amend Arts Student Employment Fund (ASEF)[Read More…]