Soup and Science, presented by the Office of Undergraduate Research in Science, has provided a platform for undergraduate students to hear professors discuss their research and potentially secure a position as an undergraduate researcher in their labs. As Dean of Science Martin Grant explained, Soup and Science offers students a[Read More…]
Search Results for "McGill Professors"
Commentary: The destructive effects of divestments and boycotts
The Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement against Israel has been gaining momentum recently. Around two weeks ago, the student workers’ union of the University of California school system voted favourably on a ballot to support the movement, urging the university and the federal government to divest from stock associated[Read More…]
Commentary: In conclusion
In reflecting upon my experience at McGill, it would be fair to say that much of it was true to form; the share of good and bad professors, the very real labyrinthine bureaucracy, and the infamous campus politics. In some sense, all of that is usual. In other ways, it[Read More…]
Off the blackboard
In 1999, McGill’s World of Chemistry professors digitized around 6,000 35 mm slides to implement the lecture recording system (LRS) now employed in over 350 courses for about 50,000 students on campus. In 2011, the first Lorne Trottier Lecture Symposium was conducted, taking full advantage of the power conferred by[Read More…]
Editorial: Sexual harassment, assault cases continue to demand action
Last week, the Crown prosecutor dropped charges of sexual assault against three former McGill students, also previously members of the Redmen football team.
Commentary: To be heard, or not to be heard
“The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum….” – Noam Chomsky
Dentistry continues raising funds to pay off new facility loan
McGill University’s Faculty of Dentistry is currently reviewing how to better inform incoming and future students of a $2,500 fee, which will go towards paying off the $18.3 million loan for the new facilities. $7 million has been raised towards this deficit so far. This fee was voted upon by[Read More…]
Getting started on your start-up
Ever since a group of college students created Facebook from the confines of a dorm, the idea of student start-ups has gained credibility and traction amongst tech-savvy millennials. The successful social networking company’s humble roots has offered inspiration for many young and ambitious student entrepreneurs. In fact, according to Rohit[Read More…]
Demonstration draws crowds of thousands in protest against austerity
Last Friday, thousands of people including students, unions, and social service organizations gathered for a one-day strike and protest on the austerity measures being imposed by the Quebec government under Liberal Premier Philippe Couillard. The demonstration was declared illegal by the Montreal Police Service (SPVM) about 30 minutes after it[Read More…]
Faded Red
The 1960s and 1970s are widely known as decades of extreme change, but few places in North America saw such a dramatic pivot in their social, economic, and political construct as Quebec. A time of radicalism, this period was characterized by new ideas flowing into the province from all directions.[Read More…]