Forum on diversity and inclusivity in Engineering discusses intersectional perspectives

Last Thursday, the Engineering Undergraduate Society (EUS) and the Faculty of Engineering hosted a forum about diversity and inclusivity in the field. According to the faculty’s website, the forum aimed to allow members of the engineering community to discuss their experiences with the challenges they faced regarding diversity and inclusivity,[Read More…]

Campus Spotlight: Astronomy Club

Whether you come from a small mountain town in southern France or the concrete jungle of New York City, there’s something to be said about the enchantment of the open sky. The McGill Students’ Astronomy Club, which was started in August 2012 by a few graduate students in the physics[Read More…]

Campus stories

In August, the Tribune met with nine different students, who will each go through a year’s worth of experiences in Montreal. Each was asked to describe something important to him or her. In April, we will revisit their stories. Eric Mitchell, U2 Faculty of Science, neuroscience Describe something important to you right[Read More…]

Redpath Museum at McGill

The Many Faces of the Redpath Museum

It isn’t often that a museum exhibit gets to stare back at its visitors. But for the past year, those who have climbed to the third floor of the Redpath Museum have been able to lock eyes with three unexpectedly youthful new faces—model reconstructions of what the museum’s 2000-year-old Egyptian mummies[Read More…]

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