Provost speaks on government’s $1.7 billion reinvestment plan

Provost speaks on reinvestment At the Post-Graduate Students’ Society (PGSS) Council meeting last Wednesday, Provost Anthony Masi spoke on the provincial government’s proposed reinvestment of approximately $1.7 billion in the Quebec university network over the next five years. According to Masi, the reinvestment is more accurately described as a reimbursement[Read More…]

Crowdsourcing Innovation

I watched a man drive a hovercraft last week. The vehicle cruised over the San Francisco Bay, churning up a bed of bubbles as the crowd cheered. He sat behind the steering wheel, thousands of miles away from me and my computer screen. The man’s name is Matthew Riese, and[Read More…]

Soup and Science Preview 2014

What is it? This week, head over to the Redpath museum to listen to a collection of professors provide a short presentation of their research. Make sure to get there early, as seating is limited and spots fill up fast. Following the presentations, students are invited to mingle with the[Read More…]

Graduates criticize Leacock restructuring project

Graduate students expressed concerns about the People, Processes, and Partnerships (PPP) plan to restructure the administrative organization of Leacock Building at the Dec. 4 Council meeting of the Post-Graduate Students’ Society of McGill University (PGSS). The project was introduced in Fall 2012, but has seen various revisions over the past[Read More…]

Senate takes official stance against Charter

Opposition to the proposed Quebec Charter of Values, as well as the effects of a new class scheduling system were the subjects of debate at McGill Senate’s Nov. 20 meeting.   Resolution on the Charter Senate unanimously approved a resolution presented by Principal Suzanne Fortier to condemn Bill 60, the[Read More…]

BoG answers student questions on transparency

On Nov. 18, McGill’s Board of Governors (BoG) met with students to address student concerns including budgetary issues, investment ethics, and transparency. Co-hosted by Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) President Katie Larson, Post-Graduate Students’ Society of McGill University (PGSS) Secretary-General Jonathan Mooney, and BoG Chair Stuart Cobbett, the meeting[Read More…]

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