On Oct. 3, Harvard professor and historian of science Stephen Shapin gave a lecture titled “You Are What U Eat” as part of a Mossman Lecture Series hosted by McGill. Over 200 academics, professors, and students gathered at Tanna Schulich Hall to hear Shapin speak on the role of food[Read More…]
Search Results for "McGill Professors"
Getting a nose into research: interview with Maral Saghaei
Known for its excellence in research, McGill University is home to a host of professors and scientists known for their prestigious work and contributions to scientific innovation. In tribute to the amazing research conducted within McGill’s walls, SciTech will feature each month student researchers who have helped contribute to the cutting edge science conducted at the laboratories. This series hopes to shine a spotlight onto the hard work of undergraduate students who dedicate themselves to research in the lab.
On-campus jobs: seek and ye shall find
Finding a job as a McGill student isn’t always an easy task in Montreal, especially with Quebec’s language laws. An on-campus job can be a convenient and rewarding alternative to getting a job elsewhere in the city, but students often don’t know where to start their search. Although there are many options available, there are three primary resources: the Work Study Program, MyFuture, and networking.
Senate addresses Quebec Charter, MUHC relocation
Fortier addresses Quebec Charter of Values, university rankings, and frosh In her opening remarks at the Sept. 18 Senate meeting, Fortier addressed the impact of the Quebec Charter of Values at McGill and the implications of two recently-released university rankings. Regarding the charter, Fortier re-stated the university’s commitment to creating[Read More…]
Living in Montreal, there’s a lot to be proud of, even more to be healthily suspicious of, and sometimes, quite a bit to complain about. Construction blocking your path for the fifth time this week? Narrowly avoided getting sideswiped by a rampaging cabbie yet again? Tuition fees continuing to rise while your wallet only gets lighter and lighter? These are all valid concerns, and are all felt by many of us here at McGill. Sometimes, however, people get up-in-arms about something so trivial that it begs the question of why anyone cares in the first place.
Principal Suzanne Fortier discusses research funding, rankings, and her first week on the job
Dr. Suzanne Fortier became McGill’s 17th principal and the second woman to hold the position on Sept. 5, when she started her five-year term. In an interview with the Tribune on Wednesday, Fortier discussed her approach to research, the value of a degree from McGill, and how being a McGill[Read More…]
Renovations at McLennan-Redpath Library continue
Construction at the McLennan-Redpath Library—initially planned to conclude on Nov. 15—is now scheduled to continue until the first week of December. The project, which includes resurfacing the terrace and restructuring the support walls of the library complex, prevents students from accessing the building via the Redpath entrance. According to the[Read More…]
Quartier de l’Innovation projects aim to engage students
Plans for the Quartier de l’Innovation (QI) continue to progress since its official launch last May. A collaborative initiative of the Griffintown neighborhood, the project is designed to involve McGill and École de technologie supérieure (ETS), NGOs, and corporations, in a centre that drives research and innovation.
Interview with Blair Jia
Getting published as an undergraduate student is a honourable achievement—one of which U3 quantitative biology student Blair Jia received this August. This summer Jia designed a fabrication protocol to improve the imaging chamber used in Convex LensInduced Confinement (CLIC) microscopy under the supervision of Assistant Professor Sabrina Leslie from the Department of Physics.
Senate discusses budget cuts, Code of Student Conduct
While presenting an overview of the 2013-2014 budget at Senate on April 17, Provost Anthony Masi highlighted the budget’s uncertainty in the upcoming year, the $38.3 million in government imposed cuts, and the $18 million in loss due to rescinded tuition. “This is not the easiest presentation for me to[Read More…]