The important things are the ones we do together

In February, McGill announced that it will be joining the edX Consortium, an initiative founded by Harvard University and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) which has been a pioneer of massive open online courses (MOOCs). Amidst the varied responses to this news, a notable issue that this brings to the[Read More…]

(Cassandra Rogers / McGill Tribune)

Looking ahead

One of the most highly sought-after experiences for undergraduate science students is the elusive ‘lab job.’ There is no doubt within McGill’s Science student body that a lab research position is one of the most essential additions to your CV and med school application. Although working in a lab is[Read More…]

Communication problems underlie the Leacock space debate

For context, please read “Proposed Leacock reconfiguration incites controversy.”   The Mar. 18 Town Hall regarding a proposed reallocation of space in the Leacock building played out in a scene that’s become increasingly familiar—both students and faculty turned up to voice their opposition to a proposal from the administration. The[Read More…]

Ensuring the quality of our own education

A topic that weighs heavily on the minds of all students, professors, staff and administrators is the $38 million budget cut imposed by the Quebec government over the next two years. As student leaders, we have witnessed the tireless, albeit lonely, efforts made by Principal Heather Munroe-Blum and her team[Read More…]

As a faculty member, Kaspi recognizes the challenges faced by female physics students. (Alexandra Allaire / McGill Tribune)

Extreme, observable physics

In honour of “Women’s Month,” the Tribune is profiling different female researchers at McGill, and the story behind their work.    Imagine walking into a classroom filled entirely with people of the opposite gender. McGill Physics Professor Dr. Victoria Kaspi remembers her shock at the overwhelmingly male cohort during her[Read More…]

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