Not many students can say they have touched a human brain, but thanks to the Neuroscience Undergraduates of McGill (NUM), I— along with around 130 other McGill students—can attest to holding not one, but six. On Jan 30, NUM hosted the first event of its kind at McGill: Touching Human[Read More…]
Search Results for "McGill Professors"
Black History Month in Montreal
High school textbooks of Canadian history have told, generation after generation, the tale of a settler colony besieged by territorial struggles between French pioneers and British conquerors— with a brief mention in between of the Indigenous peoples who had inhabited the vast territory for millennia before them. Canada’s popular culture[Read More…]
Dean of Arts addresses student concerns over course cuts
Last Tuesday, Dean of Arts Christopher Manfredi listened to students’ concerns about cuts to arts courses, during a Town Hall hosted by the Arts Undergraduate Society (AUS). AUS Vice-President Academic Tom Zheng invited Manfredi to speak about the faculty’s decision to cut up to 100 courses and reduce the number[Read More…]
Stocking your bookshelf, saving your money
There are few things in the world that I find rant-worthy, and even fewer that actually elicit a strong emotional reaction once I begin to complain. By definition, a ‘rant’ is supposed to help you vent, and allow your frustration to diminish. There is one topic, however, that works me[Read More…]
Students do not want fewer courses
Over the next month, high school, CEGEP, and international students alike will submit their university applications to McGill. As these applications are finalized, however, the McGill to which they are applying will look less and less like the one that we have come to know. Last week, Dean of Arts[Read More…]
The march of history: students on the move
2012 was a tumultuous year for Quebec students. Over the course of the year, hundreds of thousands mobilized in opposition to the former Liberal government’s proposed tuition increases of $1,625 over five years. Following an election almost four months ago, the newly-elected Parti Québécois (PQ) government announced a tuition freeze.[Read More…]
Minister of Higher Education suggests legalizing student strikes
Two weeks ago, Quebec Minister of Higher Education Pierre Duchesne proposed that the government grant student associations the legal right to strike. Last spring, many student associations across Quebec voted to go on strike to oppose the former Liberal government’s proposed tuition increases. The Liberal government did not recognize these[Read More…]
Individual access must be upheld in the right to education
Earlier this month, Parti Québécois (PQ) Education Minister Pierre Duchesne announced a plan to grant student associations the legal right to strike. While it was quickly rebuffed by some in the Quebec political scene, particularly those who saw the move as yet another attempt at political posturing on the part[Read More…]
Former director general of MUHC, Arthur Porter, sued by university
Last Tuesday, McGill announced its decision to pursue legal action against Dr. Arthur Porter, the former director general and chief executive officer of the McGill University Health Centre (MUHC). McGill seeks the reimbursement of $317,153.89—a total that includes a $285,000 loan granted to Porter in 2008, and $30,131.63 in salary[Read More…]
FEATURE: Under pressure: How students cope with stress
After four years at McGill, Amelia McKinley*, U3 psychology, believed she had reached a relatively seasoned level of mastery in the pursuit of her undergraduate degree, guaranteeing that her final semester would be completed with ease. Much to her surprise, however, she confronted a debilitating level of stress during midterm[Read More…]