Computing’s Future: It’s in the clouds

In one of the most rapidly changing industries in the world, the next major paradigm is rolling in: cloud computing. Much in the way the Internet altered our computing perspective, cloud computing is drastically changing the way people use their computers by increasing the speed and availability of data and[Read More…]

Arts students showcase research

Robert Smith The first annual Faculty of Arts Undergraduate Research Event brought together bright minds from different departments on Wednesday to showcase some of the research done by undergraduates in the past year. Using various multimedia, students were asked to creatively present their research in a series of five-minute presentations.[Read More…]

Mad med reputations In the 1860s and 1870s, the Faculty of Medicine at McGill University was known for an anatomy program that always seemed to have a fresh supply of cadavers for its students to dissect. The Faculty of Medicine came to be when the university  incorporated the Montreal Medical Institution. In[Read More…]

Third year: the final countdown

McGill Tribune You know you’re in third-year when a) Most of your friends are caffeine addicts, and b) All your friends have anxiously started muttering phrases like “damn internships” and “admissions GPA” under their breath. Days of first-year bliss, when hitting the bib for 30 minutes on a Saturday would[Read More…]

Drop the laptop? Not so fast

For my first three years at McGill, I hand-wrote my notes in class. Every semester, I would restock my supply of coloured notebooks, labeling each with the proper course code. It worked well—I would go to class, write down everything the professor scrawled on the board, and then review it[Read More…]

Drop the laptop!

The beginning of a new semester is typically similar to the beginning of semesters past. But this semester is particularly different for me, not only because it’s my last semester at McGill, but also because it’s the first semester at the beginning of which I have resolved to only take[Read More…]

More face-time with profs not so bad

McGill Tribune At council this week, VP (University Affairs) Josh Abaki discussed his goal of limiting “contact hours”—lectures, conferences, and other face time between professors and students. He hopes to reduce contact hours from the current 39 hours per course per semester to 36, an amount more standard across Canadian[Read More…]

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