In an attempt to stimulate the economy in the wake of the financial crisis and as part of an effort to improve Canada’s research infrastructure, the federal government granted McGill over $100 million in January 2008 to be used in infrastructure improvement. The money is currently fuelling an explosion of[Read More…]
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At this time last year, the Tribune voiced concerns with Students’ Society Vice-President University Affairs Rebecca Dooley’s lack of experience. Before her tenure as VP UA, she’d been Queer McGill’s political action coordinator, which, the Tribune believed, was insufficient training for the portfolio.
I arrived in Montreal in Fall 2008 eager to begin my graduate career at McGill as a master’s student in political science. I knew McGill had a reputation for academic excellence and talented, open-minded, and intellectually stimulating students and faculty members.
FEATURES: It’s sexier to write in Montreal
Writing is like sex. There’s that playing around with ideas before hand, the ejaculation of ideas on paper, and in one sweeping moment of inspiration the climax (of the story) comes, bringing everything to an end soon after. So why is it so much better to “do it” in Montreal? What is it about this city that makes it a great place for writers? After all, The Quebec Writers’ Federation dubbed Montreal the World Book Capital in 2005.
Butt out I’m so happy that McGill is enforcing the new anti-smoking legislation by implementing new policies. It’s about time that non-smokers had some rights around here. Non-smokers are sick of breathing in second-hand smoke everywhere we go. If people want to smoke, they should do it in places where they are not affecting anyone else’s health.
NEWS BRIEF: International Peace Day connects with students
International Peace Day connects with students Baha’i students joined together to raise awareness and promote a message of peace to the campus community on Thursday for the first International Peace Day. This is the first time that the Baha’i organization has planned an event like this.
CHATTERBOX: ‘Lu and behold!’
Not many professors would start their 10 a.m. class with an Eminem song blaring over the sound system as their half-awake students stumble into the room. Then again, not many professors are like Catherine Lu, who currently teaches Western Political Thought on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays in the Adams auditorium The political science department has more than twice as many men as women professors.
CAMPUS: Mercury takes over
The course evaluation process will move one step closer to transparency and accessibility this fall. After first being explored in the fall of 2003 and pilot tested in the winter of 2004, McGill Online Evaluations will be launched campus-wide in December under the name “Mercury.
CAMPUS: Wireless worries
As early as the nineties, McGill was at the forefront of developing a wireless network. Today that network provides over 2,500 wireless access points, each covering 250 square feet, and the university is in the process of upgrading its coverage and launching a three-year project to better integrate users around the campus.
ON CAMPUS: Waiting is the hardest part
If you take a walk down to the corner of Aylmer and Sherbrooke, near the eastern edge of campus, you will find a McGill building. This is no ordinary building, but a confusing labyrinth of dead-ends and key card-access doors that would make King Minos proud.